Metal shields and method of its construction from guide pipes and basic elements

Проектирование и строительство дорог, метрополитенов, аэродромов, мостов и транспортных тоннелей

The object of research is an engineering solution for the design and technology of pipe canopies used in underground structures, which lie at a relatively shallow depth below the surface, pass through soft ground, and have a small length. This paper describes a finite-element method for modeling a pipe canopy using SolidWorks. The authors analyzed the stress-strain behavior of the load-bearing structural elements of the pipe canopy. The pipe canopies prevent deformation and subsidence of the bearing layer, minimize the impact of civil engineering work on city and traffic infrastructure, and ensure building safety. Constructing underground structures using pipe canopies does not require traffic congestion on existing railroads and major roads, thus avoiding financial losses, discomfort for people, and negative impacts on aboveground buildings and structures. The main research objectives are to show that the proposed design of the pipe canopy is viable and can reduce the cost of constructing the pipe canopy by using less powerful equipment for pushing structural elements. Method. One of the key issues when installing underground transport communications is to keep the same high-altitude position (soil body), which pipe canopies can ensure. The authors studied the stress-strain behavior of the proposed pipe canopies using a computational model developed based on the finite-element method. The authors used Romberg’s method to increase the accuracy of calculating the internal forces for pushing individual structural elements of the pipe canopy. Results. The most widely used and available options for pipe canopies and presents the main reasons why they are not appropriate. The proposed design and technology of the pipe canopy keep the advantages of pipe canopies and technologies currently used while reducing the costs of constructing the pipe canopy using less powerful equipment. The calculations showed that the maximum stress sustained by some elements of the top part, namely, section-cut pipes at the points of joining the guide pipes along the U-shaped edges of the round, does not exceed the yield strength of the steel chosen. This confirms the efficiency of the proposed pipe canopy.