Thermophysical models of pavement research and control

Engineering and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels

This article deals with a thermophysical method for studying and monitoring the condition of pavements, as well as ways to improve the energy efficiency of the road network. The following directions were considered: the apparatus of thermodynamic functions, developed in the works of Goryachev M.G.; And Zavyalov M.A. (with colleagues); the thermofluuation model proposed by Kiryukhin G.N.; "urban heat island effect" and methods of creating "cool" asphalt; the process of "escorting" the bowls of the bending motion of a moving vehicle; the question of the rational number of passage by the roller on the surface to be repaired during its compaction; ways of accumulation and use of energy circulating near the road (solar, wind, kinetic and thermal energy of transport, etc.).