Properties of the urease enzyme as a component of self-healing concrete. Review

Building Materials

Urease is a thermally stable metal enzyme that plays a critical role in ecosystems and industrial processes, particularly in the production of self-healing concrete. In nature, the enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea, providing mineralization of nitrogen and increasing its bioavailability for plants, which contributes to maintaining fertility and sustainability of ecosystems. Urease is actively involved in the metabolism of soil microorganisms, improves the decomposition of organic residues, and optimizes ammonia emission, which reduces the risk of environmental pollution. With unique properties such as thermal stability, high catalytic activity, and urea specificity, urease finds application in various fields of human activity, from medical diagnostics to microbiological cementation. The article provides an overview of the biochemical and molecular features of the urease enzyme that are relevant for use in building materials technologies. The analysis of the main posttranslational modifications of the enzyme and environmental factors affecting the structure, properties, and functions of urease in pro- and eukaryotic organisms is presented.