Modular construction development trends. A review

Energy efficiency and thermal protection of buildings

Modular construction technology is characterized by high speed of work and reduced project costs, which makes it attractive in a rapidly developing housing market. Modular construction is gaining popularity, and new developments in this field appear regularly. The object of the research Method. The review article uses a general scientific method of synthesis and analysis of information. Results. This review analyzes the development of modular construction, and the materials used. The development of modular construction in Russia and the world is considered. Positive and negative sides of the technology are analyzed. New developments in this field are considered. It is established that the lack of national standards for design and a large amount of initial investment in production, hinders the introduction of new technologies in construction. But at the same time the technology has a significant potential for mass construction, as the implementation of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and BIM makes the technology more competitive and applicable.