Mechanical safety of buildings and structures during underground construction of linear objects in complex geotechnical conditions

Building constructions, buildings and structures

The object of the research is an existing brick building under which a sloped metro tunnel is being constructed. Method. The influence of tunnel boring machine (TBM) excavation on the stress-strain state of the building's structural elements was investigated using numerical finite element modeling. The construction site is composed of weak, water-saturated soils. The problem was solved in a three-dimensional formulation. Results. The values of additional foundation settlements and stresses in the building structures were determined. The obtained settlement values were compared with field data from geodetic monitoring. Zones of maximum tensile stresses in the masonry were identified. Based on the building's technical survey data, the most vulnerable defective floor structure was selected. Based on the probabilistic method for assessing the structural safety of buildings, the limit values of forces for the most defective structure were determined, which are used to assign the type of technical condition of the building under consideration.