Latest issues
Romuald Boleslavovich Orlovich
  • Position
    Head of department “General Construction”
  • Affiliation
    West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin
  • Degree
    Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • al. Piastów 17, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland

Some observations about the current role of scientists and engineers in construction

Technology and organization of construction
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 3
  • 14
  • 1865
  • Pages: 64-69

Repairing of the brick surface layer is in modern solid-frame houses

Monitoring and testing of buildings and structures
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 8
  • 17
  • 2174
  • Pages: 136-153

The defects of protective facing masonry of frame buildings

Building constructions, buildings and structures
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 5
  • 13
  • 2105
  • Pages: 28-38