AffiliationUniversité Amar Telidji Laghouat, Laghouat, Algeria
DegreePh.D Technical Sciences
- Laghouat, Algeria
Dr. Benchaa Benabed
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering & Architecture
University of Laghouat, Algeria
PO. Box 37G, Laghouat 03000, Algeria
Email : b_benchaa@yahoo.fr, b.benchaa@lagh-univ.dz
Mobile : (+213) 552251915
Education & Academic qualification
• HDR, Accreditation to supervise research
• PhD, Construction/Structural Materials, University of Laghouat
• MSc, Construction/Structural Materials, University of Laghouat
• BEng, Civil/Structural Engineering University of Laghouat
• English, French, Arabic, (some Spanish)
Current position
• Associate professor: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Laghouat
• Head of research group Geo-materials: Laboratory of Civil Engineering, University of Laghouat
Area of Specialization: Structures - Materials
• Use of Industrial by- Products in Cement-Based Materials
• Self-Compacting Concrete
• Properties of Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
• Durability of concrete
• Concrete repair
• Characterization of Leachate from Concrete made with Waste Materials (CRT funnel glass)
Research Projects
1. Influence of curing treatment on performance of SCC (2018- to present)
2. Valorization of local materials and wastes for developing SCC (2015-2018)
3. Study of mechanical behavior and durability of SCC in hot and dry climate (2012-2016)
4. Effect of ternary cement on mechanical and durability of SCC (2008-2012)
Research interests
Research area in the broad field of Sustainable Construction/Structural Materials: the utilization of waste/recycled and novel materials in cement based systems to produce construction materials (concrete, SCC). Waste comprises industrial by-products (e.g. Marble powder); demolition waste (e.g. recycled concrete), Hazardous waste (CRT funnel glass); Novel materials include metakaolin (calcined clay) and calcined bentonite. Research involves the study of rheology, mechanical and durability properties. These include, strength (e.g. compressive, flexural), non-destructive testing (UPV), chemical attack (sulfate, acids), chloride penetration, carbonation, porosity and pore size distribution, capillary water absorption, shrinkage, product of hydration using TG analysis, leaching characteristics of heavy elements and others (i.e. environmental impact).
The above research focuses on the utilization of waste/recycled materials in producing high-grade construction materials.
Editorial Board Member of Journals
• Journal of Building Materials and Structures (ISSN: 2353-0057)
• Építőanyag – Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials (ISSN: 2064-4477)
• Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (ISSN: 2458-973X)
Reviewer of Journals
• Journal of Construction and Building Materials
• Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
• Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
• Journal of Building Materials and Structures
• NED University Journal of Research
• Journal of Results in Materials
• Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Thematic areas:
- Building products and construction materials.