Light Sources in Accordance with Their Quality Indicators and Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency and thermal protection of buildings

With a view to implementing the state policy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, steps are being taken to improve of engineering networks and communications in the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. In particular, to determine the potential for increasing the efficiency of indoor lighting systems, a test was conducted using a luxmeter in the classrooms of the administrative building. It showed that the actual lighting indicators meet modern energy efficiency requirements and sanitary standards. Nevertheless, visitors with a long stay note the discomfort of the eyes. To determine the cause of this phenomenon the light sources characteristics were considered in detail that affect the visual workability and human health as a whole: emission spectrum, color temperature, intensity of light, daylight factor and light pulsations factor. A comparative analysis of the given characteristics of some light sources showed that conventional LED lamps are undesirable for long-term use because of the increased dose of blue light in the color spectrum of illumination. In the world market today there is a large selection of alternative light sources, domestic and foreign production, which differ in the work, power consumption, spectral composition of light. The article considers optimization problem of light sources choice for specific operating conditions, taking into account the simultaneous provision of quality indicators of artificial lighting systems and their energy efficiency.