The Smart City concept as an urban infrastructure management strategy

Architecture and Urban planning

Population growth, urbanization and environmental problems, especially in large cities, push urban resources to maintain resources and balance supply and demand. The concept of creating a "smart" city is developing as a strategy for managing urban infrastructure and alleviating urbanization problems. Intelligent development of the city is a strategic process that requires novelty in approaching, planning, operating, establishing ties and managing city enterprises. The "Smart City" strategy and the analysis of "Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats" (SWOT) were used as a strategic tool for determining the development of an intelligent city. The article defines the Neapolis project through the explanation of the terms Smart City, conducted a SWOT analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses and assess potential obstacles to implementation, which influenced the development strategy of the smart city. The article contains in itself conclusions that allow one to assess the possibilities of creating "smart" cities around the world, as well as their interrelation and participation among the structures, as well as cooperation and trust between the various interested states.