Year: 2014 Issue: 4 (19)
Pages: 164
195 25997

St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University at the exhibition “InterStroyExpo”

Technology and organization of construction
  • 6
  • 1559
  • Pages: 7-10

Experimental analysis of load-bearing timber-glass I-beam

Structural mechanics
  • 26
  • 1908
  • Pages: 11-20

Implementation of solar energy systems and power efficiency increase for preschool facilities in city of Niš (Republic of Serbia)

Energy efficiency and thermal protection of buildings
  • 11
  • 2086
  • Pages: 21-33

A comparative analysis of European and Russian technical documentation of building materials

Building Materials
  • 35
  • 2117
  • Pages: 34-50

The economy of use and the impact of nanoparticles on properties of lightweight high-strength concrete

Building Materials
  • 11
  • 2175
  • Pages: 51-61

Designing and construction of elements of the building with usage of fiberglass reinforcements of LLC "SК"

Building constructions, buildings and structures
  • 13
  • 2112
  • Pages: 62-74

Heat and mass transfer in thermal-treated silica brick with mud additives

Building Materials
  • 9
  • 1842
  • Pages: 75-82

The influence of the airproof composition on the thermo technical characteristics of the enclosing structures

Energy efficiency and thermal protection of buildings
  • 10
  • 2071
  • Pages: 83-95

Thermo technical calculation of enclosure structure of comprehensive school

Energy efficiency and thermal protection of buildings
  • 27
  • 2232
  • Pages: 96-108

Local buckling of steel cold-formed profiles under transverse bending

Structural mechanics
  • 23
  • 2068
  • Pages: 109-127

Calculation estimate of damage for metal construction elements with stress concentrators during high-cycle fatigue

Monitoring and testing of buildings and structures
  • 12
  • 2147
  • Pages: 128-138

Construction of attractive for investors-innovative mal

Technology and organization of construction
  • 5
  • 1894
  • Pages: 139-150

Reception campaign of 2013 year. The results

Technology and organization of construction
  • 7
  • 1786
  • Pages: 151-164