Year: 2017 Issue: 1 (52)
Pages: 101
224 18940

Work of wood on crumpling in a programmatic complex APM

Building constructions, buildings and structures
  • 13
  • 2002
  • Pages: 7-16

The process of increasing the fire resistance of glass with preservation its operational properties

Building Materials
  • 26
  • 2436
  • Pages: 17-26

3D printing in construction

Technology and organization of construction
  • 89
  • 2686
  • Pages: 27-46

Eye tracking in urban visual environment

Ecological safety of construction
  • 19
  • 2445
  • Pages: 47-56

Master's degree in Construction area according to results of Admission Company in Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2016

  • 6
  • 2146
  • Pages: 57-66

The hydraulic stability of the heating network

Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology
  • 16
  • 2332
  • Pages: 67-85

Masonry units with high percentage of holes in a facing laying of external walls (as a scientific discussion)

Building Materials
  • 27
  • 2473
  • Pages: 86-92

Laser Scanner Survey Technologies for Historic Building Information Modeling of Heritage Resources in Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Monitoring and testing of buildings and structures
  • 28
  • 2420
  • Pages: 93-101