Articles from section "Building constructions, buildings and structures"
Anchor bonds of the contact joint of steel-concrete structures
- Year: 2025
- Issue: 1
- 9
- 84
- Pages: 11504-11504
Experimental study on an adhesion of composite rod and concrete
- Year: 2025
- Issue: 1
- 25
- 164
- Pages: 11502-11502
Mechanical properties of construction steel under rapid assessment
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 5
- 50
- 301
- Pages: 11404-11404
Structural inhomogeneity of metallic materials and quality criteria
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 5
- 45
- 302
- Pages: 11403-11403
Fractal structure of cast iron and its strength characteristics
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 5
- 66
- 344
- Pages: 11402-11402
New parameters for quality control of the flooding agent during the operation of the reservoir pressure maintenance system
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 4
- 8
- 244
- Pages: 11321-11321
Modeling of viscoelastic response in epoxy fiberglass plastic under cyclic high temperature and load
Mishnev, Maxim Vladimirovich
Nuguzhinov, Zhmagul Smagulovich
Zadorin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Alabugina, Daria Artemovna
Astashkin, Vladimir Mihailovich
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 4
- 33
- 305
- Pages: 11313-11313
Resonance safety zones of a truss structure with an arbitrary number of panels
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 4
- 65
- 621
- Pages: 11304-11304
Crash modeling of bridge railings: Impact of post spacing on performance
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 3
- 30
- 535
- Pages: 11205-11205
Stiffness of vertical keyed joints of large panel buildings before cracking
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 3
- 86
- 751
- Pages: 11201-11201
Three-layer fiberglass shell under thermomechanical action
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 2
- 49
- 756
- Pages: 11105-11105
Resistance of a composite beam in the area of bending moment and transverse forces
- Year: 2024
- Issue: 2
- 145
- 1777
- Pages: 11101-11101
Steel-reinforced concrete elements strengthened by the anchoring method
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 4
- 32
- 816
- Pages: 10932-10932
Strengthening of concrete beams by CFRP considering initial state
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 4
- 39
- 1021
- Pages: 10929-10929
Formation of spatial structural coverings
Antoshkin, Vasily Dmitrievich
Sagaidak, Maksim Olegovich
Dyugaev, Aleksandr Sergeyevich
Dixit, Saurav
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 4
- 31
- 960
- Pages: 10921-10921
Stability of spatial structural elements: the influence of actual modeling
Mushchanov, Vladimir Filippovich
Mushchanov, Alexander Vladimirovich
Tsepliaev, Maksim Nikolaevich
Orzhehovskiy, Anatoly Nikolaevich
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 4
- 35
- 1082
- Pages: 10917-10917
Interaction of a sand cushion with a viscoelastic soil base
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 4
- 45
- 1080
- Pages: 10916-10916
External Reinforcement of Wooden Beam Structures with Carbon Fiber Composite Materials
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 4
- 50
- 1109
- Pages: 10911-10911
The joint of precast reinforcement frame elements using composite rods
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 4
- 30
- 1088
- Pages: 10910-10910
Creep of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
- Year: 2023
- Issue: 2
- 56
- 1325
- Pages: 10704-10704
Optical Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Islands Identification
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 6
- 45
- 1314
- Pages: 10404-10404
Formulas for calculating the deflection and displacement of a planar truss support with short studs in a lattice
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 6
- 30
- 1579
- Pages: 10403-10403
Energy efficiency of radiant heating systems based on water emitting profiles
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 6
- 30
- 1290
- Pages: 10402-10402
Trihedral Rod Pyramid: Deformations and Natural Vibration Frequencies
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 6
- 43
- 1467
- Pages: 10401-10401
Conjugate Approximation of Thin-Walled Rods Internal Forces Functions in Bending Torsion
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 5
- 55
- 1329
- Pages: 10304-10304
Oscillation Suppression of Pedestrian Overpasses
Shmelev, Gennady Nikolaevich
Eremeev, Daniil Valerievich
Eremeev, Valery Pavlovich
Eremeev, Pavel Valerievich
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 5
- 32
- 1843
- Pages: 10301-10301
Deformations of a planar multi-span arch truss: analytical solutions
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 4
- 52
- 1592
- Pages: 10204-10204
Aerodynamic external pressure coefficients for rectangular buildings
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 4
- 62
- 1646
- Pages: 10201-10201
Loading capacity of an arched underground bridge made of concrete blocks
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 3
- 57
- 1561
- Pages: 10105-10105
Climate-Adaptive Facades with Automatic Control System
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 2
- 38
- 1686
- Pages: 10006-10006
Deformations and Natural Frequency of a Triangular Truss: Analytical Solutions
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 2
- 28
- 1749
- Pages: 10005-10005
Model of a spatial dome cover. Deformations and oscillation frequency
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 1
- 48
- 1908
- Pages: 9904-9904
Dependence of the Two-Span Truss Bridge Vibration Frequency on the Number of Panels
- Year: 2021
- Issue: 4
- 70
- 2164
- Pages: 9703-9703
The Onset of a Progressive Collapse During the Deconstruction of the Sports Building
- Year: 2021
- Issue: 3
- 56
- 2768
- Pages: 9605-9605
Deformation of the Transmission Towers: Analytical Solution
- Year: 2021
- Issue: 3
- 60
- 3659
- Pages: 9602-9602
Deformations of the Rod Pyramid: An Analytical Solution
- Year: 2021
- Issue: 2
- 60
- 2242
- Pages: 9501-9501
Vibrations of Buildings with Sliding Foundations under Real Seismic Effects
- Year: 2021
- Issue: 1
- 56
- 1971
- Pages: 9407-9407
The formula for the lower estimate of the fundamental frequency of natural vibrations of a truss with an arbitrary number of panels
- Year: 2021
- Issue: 1
- 50
- 2267
- Pages: 9403-9403
Energy Efficiency of Closed Cavity Fasades
Nemova, Darya Viktorovna
Kotov, Evgeny Vladimirovich
Daurov, Zaur Soslanovich
Olshevskiy, Vyacheslav Ianushevich
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 8
- 85
- 3327
- Pages: 9305-9305
Bilateral Analytical Estimation of the First Frequency of a Plane Truss
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 7
- 73
- 2537
- Pages: 9204-9204
Layer model of the cement composites deformation in the reinforced masonry structures
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 7
- 75
- 2400
- Pages: 9202-9202
The Stress-Strain State of a Rectangular Covering Spatial Truss
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 6
- 57
- 2838
- Pages: 9104-9104
Precast Block Houses Built in the 1950s and Urban Mining Potential
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 6
- 69
- 2554
- Pages: 9102-9102
Self-stressed and prestressed steel-reinforced concrete beams
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 5
- 58
- 2521
- Pages: 9007-9007
Condition Load Effect Factor of Profile Steel in Lightweight Steel Concrete Structures
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 4
- 54
- 2670
- Pages: 8907-8907
Analytical Solution of a Spacer Beam Truss Deflection with an Arbitrary Number of Panels
- Year: 2020
- Issue: 3
- 94
- 3373
- Pages: 8802-8802
Stress-strain state of brick facing in interface with floor slabs in absence of an expansion joint
- Year: 2018
- Issue: 8
- 65
- 2566
- Pages: 13-21
Methods for determining the limits of the microcrack formation
- Year: 2018
- Issue: 7
- 40
- 2618
- Pages: 22-30
Stone vaulted structures: history, classification, application
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 6
- 27
- 2502
- Pages: 87-97
Humidity conditions of a extermal envelops with facing by a silicate brick
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 6
- 17
- 2449
- Pages: 74-86
Light gauge steel framing in construction of multi-storey buildings
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 3
- 42
- 2711
- Pages: 152-165
Comparative analysis of metal reinforcementand fibre-reinforced plastic rebar
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 10
- 27
- 2495
- Pages: 60-72
Comparison of SCAD Office and LIRA-SAPR on the example of calculation of communications tower
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 10
- 50
- 3308
- Pages: 7-21
Design of RC reinforced concrete multi-storey frame according to standard EN 1998-1
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 9
- 19
- 2619
- Pages: 126-136
Design of load bearing structure of multilevel automated car garage
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 9
- 21
- 2483
- Pages: 97-105
Fiberglаss reinfоrсement fоr аrmоuring оf соnсrete struсtures
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 9
- 27
- 2623
- Pages: 49-70
The standardized farm designs with 10% slope for 24, 30, 36 meters span
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 7
- 22
- 2512
- Pages: 92-106
Benefits and specifics of using corrugated beam in construction
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 7
- 46
- 3146
- Pages: 36-53
Concrete-filed steel tube columns in construction high-rise building and structures
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 6
- 38
- 2582
- Pages: 89-103
Reinforcement of brick masonry with composite materials and screw-in anchors
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 6
- 24
- 2812
- Pages: 17-31
The defects of protective facing masonry of frame buildings
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 5
- 14
- 2502
- Pages: 28-38
Contemporary approaches to management of development projects in the nuclear power industry
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 9
- 2237
- Pages: 50-56
The index calculation of airborne sound insulation walls of the blocks
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 4
- 9
- 2411
- Pages: 41-49
The quickly erected buildings of lightweight nanomodified concrete
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 1
- 11
- 2700
- Pages: 61-71
New technologies to provide earthquake resistance of Orthodox shrines in Sevastopol
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 10
- 13
- 2355
- Pages: 77-88
The calculation of the temperature field of the bobsleigh track plate
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 9
- 7
- 2494
- Pages: 57-68
Modeling node screwing thin perforated steel profiles by finite element method
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 4
- 19
- 2609
- Pages: 53-63
Current state of the calculation of reinforced structures that are exposed to aggressive medium
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 18
- 2265
- Pages: 46-60
International association of light-gauge steel construction
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 2
- 41
- 2657
- Pages: 27-30
Durability of galvanized steel framing in residential buildings
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 1
- 18
- 2550
- Pages: 11-17
Performance of concrete works in extreme climatic conditions in Montenegro
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 9
- 2643
- Pages: 99-107
Frame buildings construction using monolithic foamed concrete
- Year: 2015
- Issue: 1
- 21
- 2709
- Pages: 74-90
Load-carrying ability of adhesive joints in suspended facade constructions
- Year: 2018
- Issue: 5
- 32
- 2855
- Pages: 1-14
Masonry units with high percentage of holes in a facing laying of external walls
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 11
- 17
- 2542
- Pages: 22-36
Corrosion of the steel thin-walled profiles in the enclosure structures
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 5
- 20
- 2493
- Pages: 7-18
Construction of the air gap with variable width in the double-skin facades
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 4
- 16
- 2686
- Pages: 34-45
Prefabricated reinforcement meshes in reinforcement of overlap
- Year: 2016
- Issue: 1
- 12
- 2439
- Pages: 53-60
Simulation modeling of winter concreting of wall construction
- Year: 2017
- Issue: 7
- 28
- 2717
- Pages: 18-31